Monday 22 March 2021

5 Leading Causes of Blocked Drains in North Sydney

Blocked Drains North Sydney

People living in the city love the comfort and luxurious lifestyle it offers. It is convenient for them because it has everything accessible to them. North Sydney is a flourishing suburb with plenty of residential and commercial buildings. 

It has a unique infrastructure with the right mix of centuries-old and modern buildings. With such an eclectic mix of properties, there are plenty of potential plumbing problems, including blocked drains North Sydney.

Experiencing blocked drain is a common problem faced by most homeowners. It could be a time-consuming and challenging issue to solve. If not correctly addressed, it could be a bigger problem.

So, what are the leading causes of blocked drains? Read this article to figure out.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

Sewer and water drainage are a network of pipes. While the toilet is the most common area for clogs to build up, there are other places where it could too. Here are the usual suspects that cause them.

Fat and Grease

According to blocked drains plumbers in North Sydney, despite being the cause of clogged drains in many homes, fat and grease are the easiest to prevent. These fatty substances are sticky, and when washed down the sink, they can stick to the pipes trapping other debris that goes down. When it does, no liquid can pass through.

It is easy to prevent having blocked drains in your sink. Simply keep a watchful eye on the liquids you choose to wash away down the sink to avoid this type of blockage.


Although your hair may seem delicate to cause any significant blockage in your shower drain, its accumulation down the plug can clog the drain. Once the hairs are stuck in the drain, it can trap soap scum and other debris, preventing the water from passing through. 

clearing Blocked Drains north sydney

There are plenty of products available to put on your sink to prevent the hair from going into the plughole. However, regular checking of the drain and removing the trapped hairs will help.

Foreign Objects

Normally, foreign objects will not cause blocked drains, especially if they are small. However, accumulation of such will clog up the drain and prevent the water from flowing.

The foreign matters we are talking about here are the soaps, sanitary items, and nappies. You have to pay close attention to them and not let these items get flushed down the toilet.


Toilet paper and wipes are the two most causes of blocked drain in the toilet. Although most toilet papers are flushable, excess amounts could spell a disaster for your toilet. The paper can get stuck together and form an obstruction on the drainpipe.

Another cause of concern is wipes and nappies that are not designed to be flushed down the toilet. Unlike toilet paper, wipes do not disintegrate and can block your drain pipes. 

Nappies can block the drain pipes by holding more water and increasing their size. As it expands it will be too big to fit the pipes causing a major headache.

Leaves and Trees

For the drains outside the homes, there are two main causes of blockages, tree roots and leaves. Leaves and debris can cause major obstruction to the drains. 

The best course of action to prevent blocked drains on your grounds is to keep your garden free from leaves and debris. Make sure not to plant trees and plants near the location of your pipeline.


blocked drains plumber north sydney
Beez Neez Plumbing

If you are experiencing blocked drains in North Sydney, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team from Beez Neez Plumbing. They can tackle any blocked drain problem you have.

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