Thursday 28 November 2019

Plumbing Tips For Beginners: How To Fix A Blocked Drain

blocked drains Sydney

When it comes to plumbing problems, blocked drains are one of the most common. In fact, people around the world often experience it almost every day. However, clogged drains usually happen during the most unexpected time, which is why you might find yourself searching the Internet to know how to repair such a problem.

If you’re fixing your clogged drain for the first time, here are a few repair tips you should consider from the get-go.

1. Use Boiling Water

One of the easiest ways to repair a blocked drain Sydney caused by food or grease buildup is to pour a pot of boiling water into the drain. Doing this will result in the dissolution of the blockage without needing to resort to significant fixes. However, using boiling water can only apply to ceramic or metal pipes. When it comes to PVP pipes, you should use tap water instead.

2. Apply Baking Soda And Vinegar

Another DIY method to keep in mind when fixing a clogged drain is by using baking soda and vinegar. To get started, you need to mix 1/3 cup of vinegar and 1/3 cup of baking soda and pour it to the drain. The reaction of two chemicals will help remove the blockage of hair, grime, and gunk in the pipe. Leave the compound in the drain for an hour and then flush it with hot water. That way, you can fix the problem efficiently and quickly.

3. Use A Plunger

Using a plunger can also clear out solid blockages in the drain. It’s a useful repair tool for a clogged drain because the up and down pressure produced by the plunger can loosen any solid wastes that are blocking the pipe. But, when using a plunger, make sure you cover any spouts to have a secure seal. And to make this quick solution successful, you need some time, practice, and patience before it can be fixed properly.

4. Draw The Clog Up With A Vacuum

blocked drains

A vacuum can also be a great tool to fix clogged drains. Thus, if you have this terrific tool in your house, don’t hesitate to use it to clear out blockages and make your pipes running smoothly again. Be sure the vacuum is set to the highest setting, so it’ll be more powerful enough to unclog the drain and draw the blockages up into the vacuum bag.

5. Buy A Caustic Chemical Drain Cleaner

Another easy way to fix your blocked drains at home is by using a caustic cleaner. This chemical can dissolve common blockages such as grease, food waste, hair, and many more. However, caustic chemical drain cleaners might not be effective on solid wastes such as household items. And since they contain toxic chemicals, you should always wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself when working with them.

6. Push Through The Clog With A Coat Hanger

If you have a wire coat hanger in your home, you can straighten and use it to push through the clog once you reach it. It might also be long enough to reach the blockages and unclog your drain. Since you’re using a wire, make sure it doesn’t scratch your sink while clearing out blockages from it.

7. Get Your Pipes Excavated

When the methods mentioned above don't work, then it’s a sign that you should contact a professional plumber to have an accurate diagnosis of the problem. In extreme cases, the plumbing expert will advise full excavation of your pipes to unclog the drain and restore them to their excellent working condition. Since excavation can be a complicated job, it’s best to entrust it to a professional.

 Final Thoughts

In reality, most people can’t fix every plumbing issue that happens at home. But, if you know some of these plumbing tips on how to unclog your drain, you can probably save yourself from hiring a professional. On the other hand, if all of your DIY repair efforts aren’t effective, then your problem on blocked drain Sydney might be best handled by experts.


At Beez Neez Plumbing, we are here to help you clear your blocked drains. Give us a call.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Common Home Remedies to Clear Blocked Drains

blocked drains sydney

A clogged drain can be real trouble, and it can leave the sink or the shower completely unusable. Although it is urgent, not all blocked drains need a harsh chemical or a plumber. You can clear the blockage using common home products and basic plumbing tools.

Do you have a blocked drain in Sydney? If the clogs are minor, you can fix them yourself. The first thing you need to do is to determine the exact problem. The common reason why your drain is blocked is because of the buildup of debris that needs to be cleared away. If you use harsh chemicals on them, it will drive the clogs further down the drain, and it will be harder to reach. Instead of trying to flush down the debris with harsh chemicals, try these common home remedies to clear blocked drains.


Even if you are not a soda drinker, having a bottle of soda around the house can come in handy when you need to unclog your drain. For the soda to be effective in clearing blocked drains, it should be at room temperature and not a diet soda.

Sodas have a corrosive property that can dissolve the debris when you pour them in the drain and leave it for an hour or two. This remedy is superior to chemical drains that can damage the pipes and even your skin when you accidentally splash them on you.

Boiling Water

One of the most commonly used home remedies for blocked drains is boiling water. You can use it in the sink, shower, and toilet. One caution though, you cannot use it on PVC pipes. This method is simple; you only need to boil water in a pot or kettle and carefully pour it down the drain. Make sure that the hot water does not come into contact with your sink if it is porcelain. It is one of the most effective ways to unclog the drain because it melts the oil buildups and dissolves the debris.

The Trusty Plunger

Every home has a plunger or two because it is a tried and tested tool to unclog the sink. You can use a flanged toilet plunger for the toilet and a sink plunger for the sink. A larger plunger is more useful because it creates more suction and thereby quickly unclogging the drain. When using the plunger, the secret is in the seal that you get between the sink and the plunger. By merely creating fast and sharp plunging motions, you can successfully unplug a sink or toilet.

Hand Drain Snake

Some DIYers invest in a drain snake in case there is a clogged drain. It works by snaking steel wire into the drain. Then the snake is twisted until it hits the barrier and removes the debris. Using this tool requires more work as you have to remove the trap before snaking.

Cleaning the Sink Trap

Most sink drains are clogged in the trap. This is the U-shaped pipe beneath the sink. It is essential because it stops the sewer gasses from getting back and out into your home. Because of its shape, it accumulates the debris on its bend. To clean the sink trap, you need to loosen the pipe with the right tool. Other designs have a cleanout plug at the bottom of the bend, and you only have to remove it and let the contents out. You can use a straightened metal hanger to dislodge the blockage in the pipe.

If Home Remedies Don’t Work

Some drain problems need to be solved by a professional plumber. At Beez Neez Plumbing we help you clear out blocked drains no matter what the cause of the problem is. Give us a call, and our team of friendly and professional plumbers will be on your way.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Essential Measures to Do While Waiting for the Emergency Plumber to Arrive

Your plumbing system is an integral component of your home as they are responsible for the supply of freshwater and to remove ware water through the sewage pipes and drainage. Because the pipes and drainage are mostly concealed and hidden from view, sometimes we ought to take them for granted. Usually, these structures work without interruption until when they fail. That is the time that you need to seek the help of a professional emergency plumber.

But it may take a while until the emergency plumber can arrive at your doorstep. In the meantime, you need to mitigate the problem to minimize the damage. Here are some of the measures that you can apply to your plumbing emergency to reduce the damages it can do to your home.

Overflowing Bathtub

An overflowing bathtub calls for an emergency plumber near you. When the water starts to rise to a critical level, like above your ankles while showering, that means there is some blockage in your drain pipe. This blocked drain can make the water rise pretty quickly for the bathtub to overflow.

While waiting for the emergency plumber, you can try to minimize the problem by doing the following. You can cover the overflow plate with duct tape or a wet rag. You can also empty the bathtub using a bucket to prevent the splashing and spilling of water.

Overflowing Toilet

This can be a headache, and when you have this problem at hand, your priority is to restrict the flow of overflowing water. You can do this by turning off the water valve which is located on the wall behind the toilet. Turn the valve counterclockwise and turn off the water. If the water on the toilet continues to flow after you have turned off the water valve, you have to remove the cover and lift the float ball.

If you suspect that a clogged drain is a culprit for your current predicament, use a plunger and try to remove the blockage. However, if you are not sure of the source, call an emergency plumber right away. The plumber has the right tools and equipment to tackle the most complicated plumbing issues.

Overflowing Sink

Another common plumbing issue in homes is the overflowing bathroom or kitchen sink. A slow draining sink is a sign that you have a disruption in your average draining speed. The reason can be a small clog which can be cleared with a plunger. However, if the blockage is significant, the water will not go down the drain, and a plunger is not a solution.

While waiting for the emergency plumbing service, you can cover the overflow hole with duct tape. Do not pour strong chemicals on your sink as it can damage the pipes. The best solution is to remove the clog with a plumber.

Nobody wants to experience plumbing emergencies, but they are inevitable. Calling an emergency plumber can fix the problem and ease your stress. Call Beez Neez Plumbing for their reliable emergency plumbers.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Top 5 Signs That You Need to Call a Plumber

plumber inner west

There are many plumbing repairs that you can repair yourself, but there are those that need help. Some examples of these repairs include low water pressure where you can clean the showerhead, check the valve, and other easy repairs. You can also repair the trap under the kitchen or bathroom leaks. With many other plumbing repairs that you can do on your own, how can you tell when you need a plumber Inner West?

If you are clueless about when you should call a plumber, we are here to help. Read on this article to know the signs that you need a reliable plumber.

When There is no Water on the Tap

This probably the most apparent reason to call a plumber – when you don’t have any water. A local plumber Inner West can check the situation and remedy them right away. There is nothing more frustrating than a lack of water, and the reasons can be varied. From a significant leak somewhere to a blocked pipe that you alone will never find out.

Slow Drainage

Another obvious reason to call your trusty plumber is when you noticed that there is a delay in your bathroom or sink drainage. Slow draining means that there is a blockage somewhere in your sewage pipe that is stopping the water from flowing continuously. For your kitchen sink, it can be grease or hardened particle of food. For the bathroom, hair and accumulated soap suds can be the culprit. This situation calls for a plumber before it gets messy.

Local Plumber inner west

Excess Water Leak

Small water leaks are common, and most households experience them from time to time. But when you have excess water leaks like an overflowing toilet, calling your plumber will be the best solution. You can do quick fixes, but these small fixes may accumulate, and in time, you will have excess water leaks from different sources. When having this problem, a professional plumber can help.

Overflowing Toilet

An overflow in the bathroom is not new, but when it keeps on overflowing, a plunger may not be the solution. It means that there is a problem that only your emergency plumber Inner West can solve. Plunging can also bring more damage to your pipes. You need to get those pipes clean and drained immediately.

If You Smell something bad Coming Out of Your Drains

When you smell something bad in your house, and you have identified it is coming from your pipes, maybe your valve is the culprit. It needs to be repaired or drained immediately. If it is something that is blocking your drainage pipes, a plumber knows what to do.

If you come across any of those signs we have mentioned here, it is time to call a plumber in Inner West. BN Plumbing has the professional that will serve you well. Call them today for plumbing services.

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