Thursday 10 December 2020

8 Things You Should Avoid Doing According to your Plumber

Having a plumbing problem is a real headache. It is messy, stinky, and damaging. We don’t have to explain further, you know what we are talking about. If it has happened to you, chances are, you don’t want it to happen again.

We have some tips from our plumbers Chatswood on how to prevent these issues. Here are some of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to their plumbing maintenance and problems.

1. Using chlorine tablets

It is every homeowner’s priority to keep their toilets clean. However, many of us are not aware that they are doing more harm than good when we use synthetic cleaners like chlorine tablets. These pesky cleaning agents do not dissolve quickly and instead, get stuck in the flush valve. When it happens, it disrupts the flushing system, and you need to call an emergency plumber Chatswood to provide an immediate remedy.

2.  Not Inspecting your hoses

Hoses are prone to wear and tear. Washing machines and ice makers have hoses that are hidden from plain sight, and they are prone to bursting or cracking. That is why your local plumber in Chatswood wants you to check these hoses regularly. Look for cracks, twists, and bulges.

3. Crowding things under the sink

It is easy to dump all your cleaning materials, rags, liquids, and other things under the sink. However, plumbers are begging you not to do this. Aside from crowding the area, they also can cause trap leaks. The drain taps under the sink have a special use. It prevents the sewer gases from entering your sink while allowing the wastewater to pass through.

When you block the under the sink with supplies, it may bump the pipes, and dislodge the plumbing system. It will lead to a plumbing emergency that requires an immediate response from a local plumber.

4. Do it Yourself

You might feel that you have “mad” plumbing skills but you might be wrong. You are not a plumber by trade and therefore should leave the plumbing job to a pro. It will save you time and money from the possible mess that you would create.

5. Throwing your trash in the toilet

Insignificant garbage like hair, dental floss and wipes should not end up in your toilet drain. It can clog the toilet, which is a major plumbing problem. Even if the label says flushable, these things are not. Throw them in the trash instead.

6. Pouring grease down the drain

Plumbers in Chatswood begs you not to pour grease drain. Instead, have patience and allow the grease to harden. Scrape it and throw it in the garbage can and wipe the pan with a paper towel. After removing the remnants of the grease, wash it thoroughly. It will save from future plumbing issues.

7. Neglecting the water under the toilet

You don’t need overflowing water to pay attention to puddles in your bathroom. Even a small amount of water should be a cause of alarm because that means your wax ring seal is failing. Ignoring it will not help because it can cause the flooring around the toilet to rot and mould. Call a plumber immediately when you see this.

8. Not doing maintenance checks

Don’t fix what is not broken, they say. But it does not hurt to keep an eye on things, especially with the plumbing system. Have a plumber conduct regular maintenance checks in the toilet, sink drains, and valves, and pipes. Schedule an annual maintenance check with your plumber to prevent future issues that would cost a lot of money.

Beez Neez Plumbing

Plumbing issues are unavoidable, but you can prevent them by following this advice from your reliable plumber in Chatswood.

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